HALO or Health and Learning Online is the Massage & Myotherapy Australia Online Learning Platform. The primary highlight of HALO is the accessibility available to a membership that may face challenges of participating in continuing professional education through geographical isolation and or limited time resources due to clinical commitments. To learn more about HALO and your mandatory module requirements, please click here.
Currently Available
Ethics in Practice Suite
Mandatory Module - Ethics in Practice
Best Practice Draping Techniques
Best Practice Draping Techniques - Thai Language
Best Practice Draping Techniques - Mandarin Language
The Essentials of Clinical Record Keeping
Safety & Solicitation - Power Dynamics and Gaslighting
Massage & Myotherapy Australia Webcasts
How to Build Your Referral Network and Other Essential Business Tips
Assessment Strategies for Low Back Pain
Treatment Strategies for Chronic Lower Back Pain
How to Raise Prices and Still Keep Clients Happy
Fascial Therapy Approach to the Spine, Scapula and Thorax
Altered Biomechanics to the Pelvic and Hip Region
Scapulae Dyskinesis and Associated Thoracic Hyper-Kyphosis
Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) Applications for Pain Management
Treatment Protocols for Upper Cross Syndrome
Evaluation and Treatment of Multiple Nerve Compression Patterns - Upper Body
Eliminating Nerve Compression Patterns of the Lower Body
Part-One : Revisiting the Fundamentals of Effective, Efficient and Thorough Clinical Assessment
Part-Two : Revisiting the Fundamentals of Effective, Efficient and Thorough Clinical Assessment
Assessment and Treatment of Lumbar and SIJ Pain
National Conference Recorded Session
Four Approaches to the Assessment and Treatment of Shoulder Pain
National Conferene Recorded Session
Pelvic Torsion and Back Pain
Insights into Podiatry - Foot, Lower Limb Health and Pathologies
An Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice
Introduction to Scientific Writing and Dissemination
Managing Chronic Pain Webinar Series
The Importance of Research Capacity Building
Working within a Medical Model for Cancer Patients
Winning at Wellbeing by Beyond Blue
Further Study
Aromatic Medicine for Muscles and Joints
James Waslaski's Integrated Manual Therapy for Complicated Shoulder
Assessment and Treatment of Postural Syndromes: Upper Limb Region
Assessment and Treatment of Postural Syndromes: Cervical Region
Assessment and Treatment of Postural Syndromes: Shoulder and Scapula Region
Assessment and Treatment of Postural Syndromes: Thoracic Region
Assessment and Treatment of Postural Syndromes: Elbow, Forearm and Hand
Assessment and Treatment of Postural Syndromes: Lumbo-Pelvic and Hip Region
James Waslaski's Treating Low Back Pain, SI Joint Pain and Sciatica