In order to offer Massage & Myotherapy members quality educational programs. The Association has developed criteria for course approval, the programs and presenters listed below meet the Massage & Myotherapy Endorsed Education Activities Program requirements.
Massage & Myotherapy would like to bring to the attention that when considering any form of coursework from an RTO, a Massage & Myotherapy Endorsed Education Activities Provider or any provider of education, that members read the terms and conditions thoroughly BEFORE registering and ask any questions about results, certification, refunds etc prior to payment.
For information on upcoming workshops, please visit the provider's website listed below.

Course Name |
CPE Points |
Rocktape Kinesiology and Regional Pathologies: Two day Seminar |
30 |
Mentoring |
15 |
Course Description
ROCKTAPING for soft tissue Therapists, Remedial Massage Therapists, Myotherapists
Finally the art of kinesiology taping is put together with the high quality ROCKTAPE and directed specifically towards the hands on bodyworkers in an easy to learn framework. These workshops will go through Rocktaping comprehensively for the following conditions:
Diploma of Remedial Massage: pre-requisite
- Rotator Cuff dysfunction
- Biceps tendon dysfunction
- Medial/Lateral elbow pain
- Carpal Tunnel syndrome
- Cervical myofascial pain
- Thoracic /costovertebral pain
- Lumbar myofascial pain
- Disc Derangements
- Specialised Edema taping
- Upper body postural
- Sacroiliac dysfunction
- Trochanteric bursitis
- Hip flexor myofascial pain
- Iliopsoas bursitis
- Gluteal overload, myofascial pain
- Patello femoral joint dysfunction
- Quadriceps/hamstring myofascial pain
- Calf myofascial tightness/pain
- Medial tibial stress syndrome
- Achillies tendonapthy
- Betrocalcaneal bursitis
- Plantar fasciitis
At a cost of $290 each, we can offer both at early bird price of 550, LEVEL 1 is pre-requsite to the LEVEL 2
Like most starting out, my first five years of running a clinic were a stumbling block of confusion - until I was lucky enough to be mentored!
My mentoring can help you and educate you on your own self-care, avoiding burn out, streamlining your treatment protocols, as well as building and establishing networks for regular referrals.
If you are serious about fast tracking your business and your treatment skills - then yes I can help! Not matter what stage you are at in your career.
I will challenge you, empower you and support you to achieve success!
Mentoring Options
- One on one sessions (via zoom / skype)
Check out the website for the session options, which start from a focussed 30 minute option through to my 4 session Business Success Package. Members to my online service also receive a discount to my mentoring service.
- Exclusive Clinic Visits: (1 – 2 Days) - Max numbers: 6
Stuart will come to your clinic to meet with you and your therapist team to provide some hands on mentoring sessions. The clinic visits are designed to evaluate all facets of the day to day running of your clinic with Stuart and then to enhance team skills and techniques, improve systems and clinic function so as to lift the overall performance and efficiency of you clinic operation.
Email Stuart at to arrange a time to discuss your mentoring needs or visit us at
- Group Mentoring Sessions at Stuart’s Clinic: (face to face) – Maximum numbers: 6
These sessions can be tailored depending on the therapists needs. A unique opportunity for therapists to gain hands on mentoring with Stuart at his clinic, all things hands on!!
- Performance Therapy Sessions: (At your organisation)
A unique opportunity for sporting programs / elite sporting clubs. Stuart will take the therapists who support these programs or clubs through an overview of performance therapy. This includes soft tissue therapy within the semi-elite and elite sporting programs and an overview of how they can be implemented in to your programs. The basis is to harness the strongest biomechancis of the sport and video, breakdown the soft tissue relationships under a video analysis and focus on the best therapy philosophy to aid the athlete.
Email Stuart at to arrange a time to discuss your mentoring needs and for more information on the Group Mentoring Sessions at Stuart’s Clinic.
For further information regarding this Approved Provider and their workshops please visit the website listed above.
Disclaimer: Information on individual Endorsed Education Acitivty Program Websites is not under the control of Massage & Myotherapy Australia. The Assocaition has no control over the nature, content, claims and availability of the Endorsed Education Acitivty Program website or their products. The inclusion of this link does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them other than the course(s) that are Massage & Myotherapy Australia Approved.