Changes coming to the Association

Massage & Myotherapy Australia recently announced upcoming changes to the Association that will affect your membership. These changes have been made with careful consideration and in consultation with the Board of Directors and National Committees, both of which are composed of Massage & Myotherapy Australia members. These changes are necessary to ensure the Association continues to maintain the high standards of service it provides.

Please find below a breakdown of these changes, what they mean for you, and when they will come into effect:

  • CPE Planner Update
  • CPE hours
  • Membership Fee Adjustment

Personal Continuing Professional Education Planner Update
Details Date of effect

The updated Personal CPE Planner for 2024 has been revised to reflect the changes the Association is implementing to create a balanced and adaptive CPE Program. This program has been designed to meet the requirements of the Association, industry standards and the individual Private Health Funds, whilst also reflecting best practice industry standards, including the inclusion of CPE hours. The Association will gradually integrate hours in place of CPE Points; you may have noticed when entering CPE details that hours can now also be entered. The transition is a lengthy process, and we are asking all members to acknowledge both points and hours for the time being, more details below.


When updating CPE points, please include CPE hours, which are capped (restricted) based on categories, these changes reflect feedback received and time spent to complete the education. Please review category descriptions on the CPE Planner for more information:

  • CPR annually adjusted from 10 CPE Points to 5 CPE Points.
  • The Ethics in Practice module adjusted from 20 CPE Points to 5 CPE Points.
  • Massage & Myotherapy Australia webinars adjusted from 10 CPE Points to 5 CPE Points.
  • Third-party webinars (outside of Massage & Myotherapy Australia) adjusted from 5 CPE Points to 2 CPE Points (unless the webinar is an approved EEAP).
1 September 2024

CPE Hours

As the Association has previously advised, changes to CPE claiming have been implemented to include hours. This aligns with practices in other health professions and industries, more accurately reflecting the total time members spend engaging in continuing professional education. As we transition to the new system, points and hours must be recorded. Please ensure that you accurately record your education hours. It is each member's professional responsibility to ensure their CPE is up to date, accurate, and consistent with Association requirements and recommendations.


  • Association members are required to lodge CPE hours when claiming points. Hour logging has already been implemented on your profile. Please note, the requirements are:
    • Cert IV and Remedial Members – 20 hours
    • Advanced Members – 25 hours
  • This change in hours is happening concurrently with the current method of claiming CPE points, to minimise the impact on individual members.

Membership Fee Adjustment
Details Date of effect

There will be an increase in membership fees. This is to ensure the Association can continue to maintain our standards of service and a result of Consumer Price Index Inflation.


  • This is the fifth time in the Association’s 21-year history that membership fees have increased.
  • Please pay careful attention to your renewal notice and adjust any automatic payments.
  • If you are facing a change in circumstances, we kindly ask that you contact us via telephone.
1 July 2024

Massage & Myotherapy Australia appreciates our membership and their support, we will continue to communicate with you any upcoming and significant changes.

Thank you,

Massage & Myotherapy Australia

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