The Department of Health and Aged Care Home Care Packages Program and the provision of remedial massage

Massage & Myotherapy Australia took the lead to work with the Allied Health Professionals Association (AHPA) and with the support of the other members of the United Associations (ATMS, ANTA, MAA and MA) have ensured that massage (remedial massage therapy and myotherapy) remains in the Home Care Package (HCP) Program. Please see the announcement below.

Statement from AHPA

Allied Health Professions Australia is aware that in 2023 the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care adjusted the eligibility criteria for provision of remedial massage under the Department of Health and Aged Care Home Care Packages Program.

The inclusion of AHPA membership as a mandatory requirement created concern for our organisation. AHPA has no regulatory function and no authority to uphold quality and safety standards on behalf of a single self-regulated profession. This role is upheld by the relevant professional associations.

AHPA has been working with the Department of Health and Aged Care to find a workable solution that ensures access to the Home Care Packages Program is maintained, while AHPA’s core business role and remit is preserved.

The new criteria are as follows:

Can remedial massage be covered by a HCP?
To be eligible to provide remedial massage under HCP, a therapist must:

  • Be an appropriately qualified and trained professional
  • Have a minimum of a Diploma of Remedial Massage from a registered training organisation
  • Be a member of an accredited* association and/or currently hold Approved Provider Status with the individual Private Health Funds.

In addition, some AHPRA-regulated health professionals may also provide remedial massage services, including physiotherapists and osteopaths.

*'Accredited' means an Association that holds contracts with Private Health Funds for remedial massage therapy and/or myotherapy.

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