Coronavirus Statement

With the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide, therapists may become concerned with how the virus could affect their clinic and the best way to protect their own health. Massage & Myotherapy Australia recommends therapists ensure they are familiar with best practice standards around infection control and monitor recommendations from the Australian Government Department of Health updates.

It is important to ensure full clinical record keeping is maintained, including Informed Consent and Contraindications. While therapists have the right of refusal for any clients who may be suffering an illness, keep in mind Australia’s anti-discrimination laws.

For further information, review the Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice chapter Hygiene and Infection Control.

Massage & Myotherapy Australia Events
At this stage it is business as usual, Workshops, Regional Meetings and Conference have not been cancelled. We ask everyone to take personal responsibility with their health and infection control.

  • We ask that you do not attend hands on events if you are feeling unwell.
  • We ask that you do not attend any hands-on events following arrival back into Australia for the countries classified as High Risk by both the Australian Government and World Health Organisation (WHO). This is currently South Korea, China, Iran, Italy, Mongolia and Japan.
  • We ask that you do not attend a Massage & Myotherapy Australia hands on event 14 days following arrival back into Australia for all other international travel from other countries.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

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