Northern Territory Government acknowledges Massage and Myotherapy Australia
The Department of Health and the Health and Community Services Complaints Commission conducted forums in December 2017 in reference to the rollout of the National Code of Conduct in the NT. Massage & Myotherapy feedback was provided directly to the Ombudsman and also in a submission which was accepted. Two of the key points put forward were;
Massage therapists and myotherapists are called upon frequently to provide services to the aged, and for people with disabilities; especially those who experience a higher level of discomfort or stress due to their condition. This may be in the community, their own home or a clinic environment, all of which do not have any safety barriers as do those in specialised facilities. For the safety of both the public and consumer’s clarity and education around qualified, professional therapists must be provided to the public as a health service.
Further, the systemic issue that Massage & Myotherapy Australia has raised on numerous occasions is in regard to the gathering of information, and the inability of Professional Associations to conduct thorough reference and background checks of unregistered health workers nationally. Despite the National Code of Conduct, and the proposed role of the NT Health Commissioner, individuals with a history of informal and formal complaints of Misconduct logged against them (without a conviction), can continue to migrate between unregistered health services.