Move it or lose it - it’s not just kinetic

27 June 2018

If you have experienced severe muscular pain or limited movement due to injury or an age related condition you will know that the pain you experience limits movement and prevents exercise.

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2019 Conference Abstract Submissions

26 June 2018

The Association is now open to receiving abstract submissions for presenters for the 2019 Conference in Canberra.

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Stress and anxiety – finding your reset button

10 May 2018

We often hear massage therapists describe what they do as treating the whole person. Professional massage therapists believe that you cannot treat or relieve a person’s feelings of stress and anxiety without treating the whole body. They call this a holistic approach. In contrast, medicines are often designed to address or treat one specific condition such a paracetamol for mild to moderate pain relief.

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Social Media and Professionalism in the Manual Therapy Industry

10 May 2018

Love it or loath it, Social Media is here to stay, and its ever increasingly becoming part of life and business. There’s an entire generation that doesn’t know a world without Social Media connected to you at all times. Most of us by now have crossed the bridge and understand its place and importance in the business world, but is creating a Social Media Page enough, and what does your posts and online presence say about you as a therapist. More people than you anticipate may be watching.

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Myotherapy - the hidden secret for work, rest and play

10 April 2018

Ever woken up with a stiff neck? Sat at a computer for hours and found you have sore shoulders? Can’t sleep or get comfortable because of back pain? Had a sports or work injury? If the answer is yes to any of these, then myotherapy may bring you relief from your pain and stress.

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