Endorsed Education Activities Program

Core Body Therapy

In order to offer Massage & Myotherapy Australia members quality educational programs. The Association has developed criteria for course approval, the programs and presenters listed below meet the Massage & Myotherapy Australia Endorsed Education Activities Program requirements.

Massage & Myotherapy Australia would like to bring to the attention that when considering any form of coursework from an RTO, a Massage & Myotherapy Australia Endorsed Education Activities Provider or any provider of education, that members read the terms and conditions thoroughly BEFORE registering and ask any questions about results, certification, refunds etc prior to payment.

For information on upcoming workshops, please visit the provider's website listed below.

Core Body Therapy


Contact Chris O'Brien
Website corebodytherapy.com.au
Email info@corebodytherapy.com.au
Telephone 0405 386 256
Courses Held Nationally
Course Name CPE Points
Advanced Pelvis 15
MFR Lower Limbs 30
Core MFR 30
Applied MFR 30
TMJ, Neck and Pelvis 30
Advanced MFR 30
Cranium, Headache and Advanced TMJ 30

Course Description

Core Body Therapys Professional Certificate of Myofascial Release is a complete system of bodywork not offered at any other institution, it is the culmination of 17 years of teaching and practising Myofascial Release. The focus of this course is to offer high quality training that will not only improve clinical results but also deliver a profound understanding of the musculoskeletal and myofascial system and the development of the therapist’s tactile skills to the highest level.

This course teaches the treatment and assessment of:

  • Forward head posture
  • Complex hip and pelvic issues
  • Headaches and the temporomandibular joint.
  • Lower and upper limbs
  • Complex neck, head and shoulder issues
  • The thoracic spine and rib cage.
  • Lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint

We will explore:

  • The wholistic nature of Myofascial Release
  • The mind/body continuum
  • The innate intelligence of the human body and it`s capacity to heal and self correct.
  • The fascinating phenomenon of fascial unwinding as a means to heal the body/mind.
  • How to read the body for more effective treatment strategies and treatment outcomes.
  • Personality types and posture

For further information regarding this Endorsed Education Activity Program and their workshops please visit the website listed above.

Disclaimer: Information on individual Endorsed Education Activity Program Websites is not under the control of Massage & Myotherapy Australia. The Association has no control over the nature, content, claims and availability of the Endorsed Education Activity Program website or their products. The inclusion of this link does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them other than the course(s) that are Massage & Myotherapy Australia Approved.

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